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September 20, 2008


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Ryan Hupfer

Hey guys, it was great to hear about your story and I hope that you stick with your initiatives for much longer than one conference and maybe even be a voice in the industry one of these days. Also, keep on rocking the neon, those shirts were awesome.

I mentioned you what you guys were up to over here in my blog and I included you in my video as well. Thanks again for the interview!


Talk to you soon,

Ryan Hupfer
HubPages Communicator of Awesomeness!

Tom Vail

Thanks, Ryan. Thanks for the comments and the blog post. We are going to try to both measure the results of our 'experiment' and stay involved with the whole new media as we learn. We are still the prototype 'newbies' but how can we not be excited about the whole industry after such a great conference?



Laurie and Shellee (buildonawoman.com) attended blogworld and were interested in how inivative you guys were at getting your product "out there." Utilizing the internet is just the next step in advertising. Who knows where it'll lead.

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